In honor of Earth Month 2022, we asked the My Green Lab community to share what motivates them to be more sustainable. The following quotes show the various ways the green labs community has been inspired to live more sustainably - inside the lab and out!
Allen Doyle, Safety and Sustainability Specialist at 3Flow: "The Keeling Curve of accelerating accumulation of CO2 that I first saw 40 years ago, permafrost craters, and rising treelines and shorelines. In short, data and personal experience in cold climates." Graça Salcedo, Laboratory Specialist "40 years of laboratory work and seeing that everywhere, at private or public labs sustainability is so few times really addressed even if everyone sees day after day, so much harm done. Certifying a lab at the university where I graduated gives me the chance of retribution. I have always been happy in my work and I do believe in this project and building teams that will lead a better future." Tim Dillon, European Product Manger and Sustainability Gladiator at Mettler-Toledo Rainin, LLC "Sir David Attenborough inspired me to think more about my personal choices and their consequences when he shared the fact that during his lifetime the population of planet earth (the human population that is, other species have not done so well) has tripled!! Imagine that! One lifetime, three times the number of people consuming resources….that made me realisze that NOW is the time for positive personal action." Max Yin, Sales Director, Greater China - BioLife Solutions "I had a great meditation in a forest park back in 2010." Dave Berchowitz, Founder and CTO of Stirling Ultracold "Survival of humanity." Namrata Jain, Marketing Manger at My Green Lab "A book I recently came across was Bread, Wine, Chocolate by Simran Sethi. Simran looks at the slow loss of biodiversity in food and agriculture, and how climate change is partly responsible for that." Miruna Rosu, PhD Candidate in Molecular Virology at Erasmus MC "A walk in nature and the fear that it might not always be there as I know it." Jennifer Shrider, Marketing Professional "David Attenborough's 'Our Planet' and many of his other recent documentaries." Cristalle Ruiz, Market Development Representative, My Green Lab "One of my favorite books on this topic is Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katharine Hayhoe. She mentions that the most important thing we can do about the climate crisis is talk about it. Facts and scary statistics don't move people to act, but rather personal stories and a connection as to how it affects the listener does. Always find the opportunity to talk about why this issue impacts every person on this planet and offer simple solutions to be a part of the change, not the problem. Don't be afraid to be a broken record!" On Twitter, @Marswalker5 shared the following: "Connecting with amazing people around the globe for a common goal. The community around #greenlabs is constantly growing and it is such a delight to exchange and collaborate and spread the awareness that action is necessary." Thanks to all who shared their inspiration with us. We hope these quotes continue to inspire you to live more sustainability in the laboratory and in your persona lives. Happy Earth Month 2022! Comments are closed.